Hello fellow reader of my words!
I began blogging in 2010 in order to document my existence on planet Earth and share information with YOU. My intent to begin a blog was to express thoughts, feelings, emotions and concepts of existence to the Universe.
I am a human being that is processing existence in a capacity to have breakthroughs and powerful insights on a daily basis.
My brain matter has expanded greatly in many ways in 2010 thanks to the amazing 7 billion fellow human beings and other entities existing that have provoked my growth and transformation.
I love to spark a shift in perception and understanding for humanity which in turn impacts the entire Universe. My passion to do this this is because I love it when others spark and light up my brain matter to have new ways of perceiving existence. It really makes this life an awesome roller coaster ride!!
This last decade from 2000-2010 has been an amazing and memorable experience for me. I moved to California towards the end of 1999 and so the 21st century has been about transformation, change and growth in many aspects of my life. Halfway through the decade I chose to consume a plant-based diet and that alone has had a life-altering impact. (See more about that here: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=3787053&l=b7d37e16e5&id=742955445)
- I switched jobs from being a school teacher from '99-'07 to being working for a small company from '07-present.
- Music was and has always been important to me and I chose to put music on the side for a couple years and now I am on fire. I started producing electronic music in the summer of 2010 and I LOVE IT!
- I met amazing new peeps and the most amazing woman on this planet to spend existence with in peace, love, passion and balance.
- I love to learn and 2010 was a huge year for knowledge acquisition for me.
As the clock ticks down on this December 31st afternoon in 2010, I want to type out how much I love to process existence and connect with other human beings, non-human beings and all entities of the Universe.
I am especially grateful for those who choose this same way of being. Many others choose to learn along life's journey in a capacity to gather information and challenge others to grow, adapt and evolve.
How amazing that their contribution to my life has continued to spark me into being a more powerful version of myself!!! Gratitude is my attitude.
Big props go out to Krista, JQ, HoopCharmer and many more!
Let's make it an amazing new decade (2011-2010)
Lots of love, compassion and understanding,
Dave - www.DaveTheOrganism.com - DTO
VIDEO - My default operating system is LOVE - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z8SeDUhmV8E
Friday, December 31, 2010
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Life is Powerfully Expressed via Music.
Hello world,
Right now, focus your attention to your ears and listen.
Is there music playing?
More than likely music is playing now since music is ubiquitous. More than likely you have listened to music in the last 24 hours either actively or passively.
Since I was a tiny little human being, I have been exposed to sounds that were constructed in a form with rythmn and tonality which we all call music. My mom played piano and sang in the house and my ears are grateful for that. Plus we had music playing at the house often. Also, I love Casey Casem's Top 40 show and taping music onto casette tapes off the radio show. Ah! I loved the 80's.
I started playing the piano at a young age and then started up on the drums. I also dabbled in strumming chords on the guitar and picking up a few instruments here and there.
I love music. Music is my love. Music is always there and so friggin' amazing as it comes in all different forms for a variety of emotions to be generated or guided towards a given emotional path.
Example, if I am feeling melancholy, I can choose to listen to fun, cool music which can take me to a another emotional state or I can select music that allows me to bask in the melancholy realms of existence.
Music is so friggin' amazing and I haven't even stratched the surface on how powerful, inspirational & beautiful it is for the human ear drums and entire human organism.
Lots of love.
Listen to my first electronic track I composed and created with JQ. http://www.DTOmusic.com Enjoy!
More to come....
Music is my religion. ( If I had to pick one.)
Here's Stone Train's new promo poster. Yes! www.StoneTrain.com
Right now, focus your attention to your ears and listen.
Is there music playing?
More than likely music is playing now since music is ubiquitous. More than likely you have listened to music in the last 24 hours either actively or passively.
Since I was a tiny little human being, I have been exposed to sounds that were constructed in a form with rythmn and tonality which we all call music. My mom played piano and sang in the house and my ears are grateful for that. Plus we had music playing at the house often. Also, I love Casey Casem's Top 40 show and taping music onto casette tapes off the radio show. Ah! I loved the 80's.
I started playing the piano at a young age and then started up on the drums. I also dabbled in strumming chords on the guitar and picking up a few instruments here and there.
I love music. Music is my love. Music is always there and so friggin' amazing as it comes in all different forms for a variety of emotions to be generated or guided towards a given emotional path.
Example, if I am feeling melancholy, I can choose to listen to fun, cool music which can take me to a another emotional state or I can select music that allows me to bask in the melancholy realms of existence.
Music is so friggin' amazing and I haven't even stratched the surface on how powerful, inspirational & beautiful it is for the human ear drums and entire human organism.
Lots of love.
Listen to my first electronic track I composed and created with JQ. http://www.DTOmusic.com Enjoy!
More to come....
Music is my religion. ( If I had to pick one.)
Here's Stone Train's new promo poster. Yes! www.StoneTrain.com
Thursday, December 9, 2010
The game Tetris & Human life on Earth - Commonalities
I love Tetris and I love the game of life on planet Earth.
No matter who you are on the planet, once you have played the game Tetris your world becomes one big game of Tetris. We are continually putting things in the place as we see fit. The places are our choice as we do this task one piece at a time. Each shape, each color, each rotation that we choose is unique and wants a place to exist or not exist anymore. Each Tetris piece has many possibilities of fitting in different places and at different angles and locations.
Now in life I am grabbing each experience and/or task everyday and handling it in the best way that fits for me at this time and space in my existence. Pieces are handled differently at different moments throughtout existence. Ask me to do something now at 36 years old and it will be done with a different twist and mindset than at the age of 16 or at 56 years old in the future. This is why each Tetris game is different and each round gets cooler and more challenging.
Life is about putting items in the best place possible for you, others and the Universe. I do this by taking each entity of my life and having it become the most loving and life-enhancing force for me in the Universe. I don't always succeed with every piece, but since the pieces are continually coming at me I have many opportunities to re-adjust and fix the previously mis-stacked pieces and have awareness of their existence.
In Tetris you can see all of the pieces clearly by looking at the entire screen and in life we can see them too, but many times we are too busy just stacking pieces without the consideration of other pieces that need help from below. In our lives these pieces were the experiences that we left in the past, but nevertheless still at part of the game. They can appear and re-appear based on how much we choose to pay attention to them or not.
Indeed there can be many analogies of how Tetris is similar to life. This Blog posting is simply coming from the brain matter of DTO at this moment in time. I am unaware if other human beings have made such analogy and nevertheless, this is my contribution to the musings of the commonalities of the game Tetris and human life on Earth.
Just to prove how popular Tetris still is I went to the official Tetris website and just in one day there have been 688,183 games played so far. (source: http://www.tetrisfriends.com/)
By the way, Tetris usually has that crazy song playing the whole time just like those wild and weird distractions that come up that get us off task. You can get used to it, mute the music or just crank it and rock out with it!
Let's all be grateful for the air we breathe that keeps us alive to play another game of Tetris.
Let's all play full out! Play Tetris for FREE here: http://www.freetetris.org/game.php
- Tetris was invented by a Russian man by the name of Alexey Pajitnov in 1985 with the help of some collegues. (source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexey_Pajitnov)
Becoming Your Optimal Self
"Become what you are being called into becoming from the life force within you." - DTO
There is a primal, instinctual level of human existence that is raw and real to the core of your life force. This life force is constantly and consistently in motion for a human being to take action... to simply become your optimal self. What is brilliant is how when we step into living in alignment with Universal Truth then life transforms into becoming a powerful contribution to others and hence the Universe itself.
Some human beings choose to exist a realm of enlightenment and self-actualization in the journey called life. Some people still do not even know they had a choice in the matter and just follow along with what they have been told to do. To each her own, I say.
I personally have arrived to this place and space through my journey of following what other people, society, religions, businesses, government, deities and other belief systems attempted to convince me of while always attempting to stay in alignment with my energetic PURE LIGHT.
NOW... I am choosing to be grateful for what all influences have contributed to me in order to become and be what is life-enhancing for the Universe as I exist inside my PURE LIGHT.
I can't help it, it's sooo beautiful.
http://www.youtube.com/wat ch?v=bCOfJi67I0k
Lots of love. ♥
There is a primal, instinctual level of human existence that is raw and real to the core of your life force. This life force is constantly and consistently in motion for a human being to take action... to simply become your optimal self. What is brilliant is how when we step into living in alignment with Universal Truth then life transforms into becoming a powerful contribution to others and hence the Universe itself.
Some human beings choose to exist a realm of enlightenment and self-actualization in the journey called life. Some people still do not even know they had a choice in the matter and just follow along with what they have been told to do. To each her own, I say.
I personally have arrived to this place and space through my journey of following what other people, society, religions, businesses, government, deities and other belief systems attempted to convince me of while always attempting to stay in alignment with my energetic PURE LIGHT.
NOW... I am choosing to be grateful for what all influences have contributed to me in order to become and be what is life-enhancing for the Universe as I exist inside my PURE LIGHT.
I can't help it, it's sooo beautiful.
Lots of love. ♥
Monday, October 25, 2010
Co-Responsibility ♥
Hello everyone!!!
I had something come up for me recently and that is the energy and form of my new concept of being a Universal community and that is to be co-responsible.
Basically I have the capacity to choose whether to be individually responsible for getting my life and existence in alignment with love, compassion and peace or NOT.
So for my peeps that are in this realm of consciousness, the mode of connection with them is to be co-responsible. I'm not sure why and how, but that is how we already ARE with each other without even needing to state it or come up with a word for........until I recently did on October 23, 2010, it was a late night and early morning time frame and I was just chillin' in a jacuzzi in San Diego living the good life and then it struct me like the concept of the Flux-Capacitor struck Doc in the movie Back to the Future! Great Scott! 1.21 Jigawatts!!!
The concept of co-responsibility describe a platform of existence in which the world exists resounding with the following concept of living......
1. To be alive in the Universe in a realm of existence by co-responsibly recognizing your own existence in the web of life and how we are all interconnected. We, meaning, all entities of the Universe whether physical matter, life forms on planets or antimatter.
2. The life of your community whether human animals or non-human animals is seen with deep respect. We responsibly teach ourselves what this truly means and then can co-responsibly teach others the concepts of "non-speciesism" since that is a energically sound existence of peace, love, compassion and kindness as an energetic connection field
3. To be cognizant of all life forms on planet Earth and in the Universe. To know the value of the 4 elements - Earth, Water, Wind, Fire and to respect them by only having behaviors as a species that maintains access to clean air, clean water and clean food.
So Grab your homemade Popcorn made with Earth Balance spread and Sea Salt and let's begin a powerful suggestion for your life.
The best "DTO way" to start is by viewing 2 movies which I highly recommend. Both are able to be view in their Full-Length online. The order of viewing them is best by first watching Home and then Earthlings.
Each movie will benefit your life, longevity, peace and future. You will have access to processing existence from a new perspective. Are you up to it?
Home has great potential bring your life into a sharp perspective to being view existence in a new space in your mind.
Earthlings will probably be the heaviest movie you have ever seen, so get prepared.
Don't be afraid.... Please view them since this knowledge is worth it and so are you!
My intuition tells me that we are co-responsible for creating a love consciousness interconnected with all entities of the Universe.
We, human beings, exist alongside thousands of other species which are our fellow Earthlings...inhabitants of planet Earth.....members of the Universe, just like us, homo sapiens, mammals inhabiting the 3rd planet from the vortex of our solar system. A species still quite unaware of so much there is to be aware of, but there is continual growth by more and more human specimens to connect with love, peace and exploring new realms of existence as humanity, a planet and members of the Universe.
Right now we find ourselves sharing the same space and time. We do have choice in the matter on whether we can be aware or choose to constrict ourselves to our small collection of lenses, to view life in this small bag of past & current interpretations of life. How about getting more lenses, more tools, more pimped out way of supping up your ride called LIFE??? To live powerfully with intention in the phattish ride around called existence. To be chilin' in the methaphorical low rider of life...hell YEAH!!!
My perspectives of how I perceive life have continually expanded to include multiple varieties of analysis for existence itself.
At this point, I have sheer, absolute wonder and awe for it all....LIFE. The more I learn about the Universe, science and the resilience and compassion of human beings, it is more inspiring and rewards. It keeps getting better. Exponential growth of knowledge. Building blocks upons building blocks.... The more we know, the more we grow. In order to grow we need to let go. www.LetGoInOrderToGrow.com
I simply CELEBRATE LIFE in my natural state of existence. That is my way of behavior since my fault operating system is LOVE. This platform allows me to create, ponder become inspired all of the time and to move powerfully with intention in the future. A future full of possibilities.
Expand your awareness!!! Make the connection ♥
I had something come up for me recently and that is the energy and form of my new concept of being a Universal community and that is to be co-responsible.
Basically I have the capacity to choose whether to be individually responsible for getting my life and existence in alignment with love, compassion and peace or NOT.
So for my peeps that are in this realm of consciousness, the mode of connection with them is to be co-responsible. I'm not sure why and how, but that is how we already ARE with each other without even needing to state it or come up with a word for........until I recently did on October 23, 2010, it was a late night and early morning time frame and I was just chillin' in a jacuzzi in San Diego living the good life and then it struct me like the concept of the Flux-Capacitor struck Doc in the movie Back to the Future! Great Scott! 1.21 Jigawatts!!!
The concept of co-responsibility describe a platform of existence in which the world exists resounding with the following concept of living......
1. To be alive in the Universe in a realm of existence by co-responsibly recognizing your own existence in the web of life and how we are all interconnected. We, meaning, all entities of the Universe whether physical matter, life forms on planets or antimatter.
2. The life of your community whether human animals or non-human animals is seen with deep respect. We responsibly teach ourselves what this truly means and then can co-responsibly teach others the concepts of "non-speciesism" since that is a energically sound existence of peace, love, compassion and kindness as an energetic connection field
3. To be cognizant of all life forms on planet Earth and in the Universe. To know the value of the 4 elements - Earth, Water, Wind, Fire and to respect them by only having behaviors as a species that maintains access to clean air, clean water and clean food.
So Grab your homemade Popcorn made with Earth Balance spread and Sea Salt and let's begin a powerful suggestion for your life.
The best "DTO way" to start is by viewing 2 movies which I highly recommend. Both are able to be view in their Full-Length online. The order of viewing them is best by first watching Home and then Earthlings.
Each movie will benefit your life, longevity, peace and future. You will have access to processing existence from a new perspective. Are you up to it?
Home has great potential bring your life into a sharp perspective to being view existence in a new space in your mind.
Earthlings will probably be the heaviest movie you have ever seen, so get prepared.
Don't be afraid.... Please view them since this knowledge is worth it and so are you!
Titled: External Stimuli –by Fred Tomaselli at the James Cohen Gallery
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------My intuition tells me that we are co-responsible for creating a love consciousness interconnected with all entities of the Universe.
We, human beings, exist alongside thousands of other species which are our fellow Earthlings...inhabitants of planet Earth.....members of the Universe, just like us, homo sapiens, mammals inhabiting the 3rd planet from the vortex of our solar system. A species still quite unaware of so much there is to be aware of, but there is continual growth by more and more human specimens to connect with love, peace and exploring new realms of existence as humanity, a planet and members of the Universe.
Right now we find ourselves sharing the same space and time. We do have choice in the matter on whether we can be aware or choose to constrict ourselves to our small collection of lenses, to view life in this small bag of past & current interpretations of life. How about getting more lenses, more tools, more pimped out way of supping up your ride called LIFE??? To live powerfully with intention in the phattish ride around called existence. To be chilin' in the methaphorical low rider of life...hell YEAH!!!
My perspectives of how I perceive life have continually expanded to include multiple varieties of analysis for existence itself.
At this point, I have sheer, absolute wonder and awe for it all....LIFE. The more I learn about the Universe, science and the resilience and compassion of human beings, it is more inspiring and rewards. It keeps getting better. Exponential growth of knowledge. Building blocks upons building blocks.... The more we know, the more we grow. In order to grow we need to let go. www.LetGoInOrderToGrow.com
I simply CELEBRATE LIFE in my natural state of existence. That is my way of behavior since my fault operating system is LOVE. This platform allows me to create, ponder become inspired all of the time and to move powerfully with intention in the future. A future full of possibilities.
Expand your awareness!!! Make the connection ♥
Home (click link to view)
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Earthlings -http://www.Earthlings.com
Friday, October 22, 2010
Make The Connection to our Interconnectedness
We are all interconnected and the more we all make connections, the more we will prosper into endless possibilities of living powerfully.
I don't have both feet in despair, but maintain at least a toe in it since we must always consider the worst case scenario and the detriment that it would be for all beings and life forms IF or WHEN human beings did destroy the support system of our planet for millions of species of flora and fauna on this planet. This would include us, of course. We are the only known species in the Universe that is destroying its own habitat which is required for life.
Now, seriously, if it were ONLY human beings impacted by the destruction being done then we could say, "It is your own dawn fault so kill go yourselves since there is no impact on any entity, but yourselves." OR "Humanity, go for it and choose to kill yourself." But that is NOT the case since the real question is, "Why are you choosing to kill yourselves, other species and the future survival of life on this planet."
Since humans beings' actions have an impact on virtually everything happening on Mother Earth then what the hell give one species the right to wreck the entire web of life and terminate life for so many previous creatures and plant life. To me, that is some F'd up shit.
So my advice is to......Maintain a Toe in Despair and the rest of your Body in the realm of HOPE!
In my point of view, it is becoming more and more obvious that we all must make connections toward the goal of being interconnected not just with ourselves, our own species, but with all species, all life and matter in the Universe.
We are members of the Universe with the amazing experience which we call EXISTENCE. So my idea is to start appreciating our amazing adventure called life which naturally includes all members of humanity plus all entities of the Universe. My idea is to start friggin' acting grateful, loving, concerned and compassionate toward all members and matter of the Universe.
Let's being with Mother Earth and all that reside upon her. We are all Earthlings!
Dave The Organism - DTO
(one of roughly 7 billion human beings living on plant Earth in the year recorded as 2010)
Watch the movie Earthlings and Home for a new perspective of life as we know it.
Full movie Earthlings -http://www.earthlings.com/earthlings/video-full.php
Full movie Home - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jqxENMKaeCU
Here's another inspiring VIDEO - http://www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=167822676562503
I don't have both feet in despair, but maintain at least a toe in it since we must always consider the worst case scenario and the detriment that it would be for all beings and life forms IF or WHEN human beings did destroy the support system of our planet for millions of species of flora and fauna on this planet. This would include us, of course. We are the only known species in the Universe that is destroying its own habitat which is required for life.
Now, seriously, if it were ONLY human beings impacted by the destruction being done then we could say, "It is your own dawn fault so kill go yourselves since there is no impact on any entity, but yourselves." OR "Humanity, go for it and choose to kill yourself." But that is NOT the case since the real question is, "Why are you choosing to kill yourselves, other species and the future survival of life on this planet."
Since humans beings' actions have an impact on virtually everything happening on Mother Earth then what the hell give one species the right to wreck the entire web of life and terminate life for so many previous creatures and plant life. To me, that is some F'd up shit.
So my advice is to......Maintain a Toe in Despair and the rest of your Body in the realm of HOPE!
In my point of view, it is becoming more and more obvious that we all must make connections toward the goal of being interconnected not just with ourselves, our own species, but with all species, all life and matter in the Universe.
We are members of the Universe with the amazing experience which we call EXISTENCE. So my idea is to start appreciating our amazing adventure called life which naturally includes all members of humanity plus all entities of the Universe. My idea is to start friggin' acting grateful, loving, concerned and compassionate toward all members and matter of the Universe.
Let's being with Mother Earth and all that reside upon her. We are all Earthlings!
Dave The Organism - DTO
(one of roughly 7 billion human beings living on plant Earth in the year recorded as 2010)
Watch the movie Earthlings and Home for a new perspective of life as we know it.
Full movie Earthlings -http://www.earthlings.com/earthlings/video-full.php
Full movie Home - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jqxENMKaeCU
Here's another inspiring VIDEO - http://www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=167822676562503
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Color Me Gray
What shade of existence are you?
Are you full of lights, darks or both?
Do you view life through multi-colored lenses not only visually, but mentally?
What does your mind experience by looking at the image below?

Shades of gray going from black to white and white to black with shades of gray.
To choose to see life as a world that contains vibrant colors, black, white or shades of gray is challenging for many human beings. Is it a choice plus a taught belief system or both?
Analyzing my life from the beginning...
I remember a magical childhood full of wonder and awe for existence; full of colors with shades of gray.
I was born in October 1974 in a small town in Iowa of only about 22,000 inhabitants. Although the majority of the town was White, I had a neighbor friend from a Korean mother and White father and I also had a great friend with Mexican-American parents. For me is not to focus on the melatonin in someone's skin to bring this up, but to emphasize the the cultural diversity I was exposed despite of being in Iowa in the 70s. I still remember the hanging beads in my friend's house with the mother from Korea. Her cooking permeated the house plus her decorating style was unlike my own mother's way of putting together a room.
So the contrast was apparent to me and I was curiously interested. You can even go as far as saying fascinated. My mom also decorated at our house and I used to love to watch my mom & her best friend, who was gay, make a room go from frumpy to fabulous. Yea-Yeah!
The background setting and upbringing I had was super cool the more that I self-reflect. I really loved my youth doing the following activities;
Riding Big Wheels, playing at the park down the street, playing carnival games that my brother ran, playing basketball in the driveway on the hoop attached to our deck, making snow figures & igloos, going to our cottage, loving and playing with our dogs, bunnies & cats, going canoeing, going boating, riding my bike, walking along the railroad tracks, playing arcade games at the arcade, relaxing outside freely on a summer night, having crushes on girls, just hanging out with friends, having to go home when the street light came on, spending the night at friends houses or having them spend the night at my place, prank calls, playing whiffleball in the backyard, having a garden full of green beans, tomatoes & more, playing in the dump ( a ravine area behind my house), playing volleyball, swimming, having a paper route, being woken up and dragged to go the church (man, would I have rather slept in on Sundays), listening to cassettes and vinyls, watching Saturday morning cartoons, Friday Night Videos ( a show to play music videos ), going to my rich friends house to play with rich people stuff and toys, play Frogger, Pitfall & Grand Prix and more on the Atari 2600, taking piano lessons, making lemonade (YUM), playing with bubble, watching old 8-mm movies (w/o sound) projected onto the white oven's surface, going trick or treating and then my brother and I would use a Key Car ( a play car that would shoot out with a key it came with ) to win the candy since we would consolidate it, playing with my friends, hanging out with my big brother, going to my first concert, Huey Lewis and The News with my family, rolling skating at Skateland, listening to songs like "Do You Believe In Love" by Huey Lewis & The News, faintly remembering my uncle, seeing my cousins, aunts, uncles, grandfather & my dear grandmother on Thanksgiving, listening to Van Halen, Chicago & The Cars, playing with number & letter magnets on the oven, visiting my cousins in Chicago, going to Adventureland (Iowa's amusement par), having water fights, watching hot air balloons float above me, playing along the Mississippi River, going to Great River Days, camping, playing music, looking at Xmas light with my family as a tradition, walking places, doing chores, buying candy with the money from chores, moving my grandma's lawn, opening presents for Xmas and thinking it was the most magical day ever, going to a summer camp in the beautify of nature and so much more.
I am amazed at how wonderful and enjoyable growing up was for me. This leads me to appreciate how my parents and surroundings taught me to see the world in colors with shades of gray. What I mean is that I lived freely without many fears or worries. I was not taught to hate, fear or look down upon others and I know that this attributed to me being a happy go-lucky kid. You know, the whole nature and nurture of life.
To this day, I get upset by seeing or knowing about an inequity or injustice happening. It is second nature for me to take a stand for human beings and respectfully treat everyone as such. This also applies to all species.
I will share with you a time in my life when I have been the most upset about racism. I was 20 years old attending a community college when I saw 2 black kids and 2 white students yelling back at each other almost brewing up a fight. I heard racial epithets being yelled and eventually they drove off. It was clearly a racially charge confrontation.
After seeing and listening to this it was very upsetting and when I went inside to see my teacher, I was an emotional wreck. I was upset that people would basically waste their life using their energy to intentionally hurt others and want to cause harm to another person based on skin color. It was simply just very hard for me to process to see it up close especially and it still a disconnect concept for me to grasp. I guess that I have "hippie blood" in my veins for being full of love, kindness, self-expression, laughter and desire harmony in the Universe. You know, the stuff that people sometime want to stomp out and scoff at.
In my point of view, it was instinctual for me to see life full of metaphorical and actual colors with shades of gray to detect with my eyes or mind. What also really helped was that luckily there was no belief system that taught me to see life in only black or white. To view others as "not like us".
How wonderful that I had my eyes and heart open to experience life to the fullest and for that I have all of the gratitude in the world for my family and community.
Thank you everyone for giving me so much. I love you. :)
Peace, fun and a celebration for life.
Color Me Gray!!!
Are you full of lights, darks or both?
Do you view life through multi-colored lenses not only visually, but mentally?
What does your mind experience by looking at the image below?

What does your mind experience by looking at the image below?

Shades of gray going from black to white and white to black with shades of gray.
To choose to see life as a world that contains vibrant colors, black, white or shades of gray is challenging for many human beings. Is it a choice plus a taught belief system or both?
Analyzing my life from the beginning...
I remember a magical childhood full of wonder and awe for existence; full of colors with shades of gray.
I was born in October 1974 in a small town in Iowa of only about 22,000 inhabitants. Although the majority of the town was White, I had a neighbor friend from a Korean mother and White father and I also had a great friend with Mexican-American parents. For me is not to focus on the melatonin in someone's skin to bring this up, but to emphasize the the cultural diversity I was exposed despite of being in Iowa in the 70s. I still remember the hanging beads in my friend's house with the mother from Korea. Her cooking permeated the house plus her decorating style was unlike my own mother's way of putting together a room.
So the contrast was apparent to me and I was curiously interested. You can even go as far as saying fascinated. My mom also decorated at our house and I used to love to watch my mom & her best friend, who was gay, make a room go from frumpy to fabulous. Yea-Yeah!
The background setting and upbringing I had was super cool the more that I self-reflect. I really loved my youth doing the following activities;
Riding Big Wheels, playing at the park down the street, playing carnival games that my brother ran, playing basketball in the driveway on the hoop attached to our deck, making snow figures & igloos, going to our cottage, loving and playing with our dogs, bunnies & cats, going canoeing, going boating, riding my bike, walking along the railroad tracks, playing arcade games at the arcade, relaxing outside freely on a summer night, having crushes on girls, just hanging out with friends, having to go home when the street light came on, spending the night at friends houses or having them spend the night at my place, prank calls, playing whiffleball in the backyard, having a garden full of green beans, tomatoes & more, playing in the dump ( a ravine area behind my house), playing volleyball, swimming, having a paper route, being woken up and dragged to go the church (man, would I have rather slept in on Sundays), listening to cassettes and vinyls, watching Saturday morning cartoons, Friday Night Videos ( a show to play music videos ), going to my rich friends house to play with rich people stuff and toys, play Frogger, Pitfall & Grand Prix and more on the Atari 2600, taking piano lessons, making lemonade (YUM), playing with bubble, watching old 8-mm movies (w/o sound) projected onto the white oven's surface, going trick or treating and then my brother and I would use a Key Car ( a play car that would shoot out with a key it came with ) to win the candy since we would consolidate it, playing with my friends, hanging out with my big brother, going to my first concert, Huey Lewis and The News with my family, rolling skating at Skateland, listening to songs like "Do You Believe In Love" by Huey Lewis & The News, faintly remembering my uncle, seeing my cousins, aunts, uncles, grandfather & my dear grandmother on Thanksgiving, listening to Van Halen, Chicago & The Cars, playing with number & letter magnets on the oven, visiting my cousins in Chicago, going to Adventureland (Iowa's amusement par), having water fights, watching hot air balloons float above me, playing along the Mississippi River, going to Great River Days, camping, playing music, looking at Xmas light with my family as a tradition, walking places, doing chores, buying candy with the money from chores, moving my grandma's lawn, opening presents for Xmas and thinking it was the most magical day ever, going to a summer camp in the beautify of nature and so much more.
I am amazed at how wonderful and enjoyable growing up was for me. This leads me to appreciate how my parents and surroundings taught me to see the world in colors with shades of gray. What I mean is that I lived freely without many fears or worries. I was not taught to hate, fear or look down upon others and I know that this attributed to me being a happy go-lucky kid. You know, the whole nature and nurture of life.
To this day, I get upset by seeing or knowing about an inequity or injustice happening. It is second nature for me to take a stand for human beings and respectfully treat everyone as such. This also applies to all species.
I will share with you a time in my life when I have been the most upset about racism. I was 20 years old attending a community college when I saw 2 black kids and 2 white students yelling back at each other almost brewing up a fight. I heard racial epithets being yelled and eventually they drove off. It was clearly a racially charge confrontation.
After seeing and listening to this it was very upsetting and when I went inside to see my teacher, I was an emotional wreck. I was upset that people would basically waste their life using their energy to intentionally hurt others and want to cause harm to another person based on skin color. It was simply just very hard for me to process to see it up close especially and it still a disconnect concept for me to grasp. I guess that I have "hippie blood" in my veins for being full of love, kindness, self-expression, laughter and desire harmony in the Universe. You know, the stuff that people sometime want to stomp out and scoff at.
In my point of view, it was instinctual for me to see life full of metaphorical and actual colors with shades of gray to detect with my eyes or mind. What also really helped was that luckily there was no belief system that taught me to see life in only black or white. To view others as "not like us".
How wonderful that I had my eyes and heart open to experience life to the fullest and for that I have all of the gratitude in the world for my family and community.
Thank you everyone for giving me so much. I love you. :)
Peace, fun and a celebration for life.
Color Me Gray!!!
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Today is Today
What is today?
Why is today always called today?
Why are you alive in a realm of existence called a "today"?
Is there ever a day which is not considered today?
Are we forever trapped in a today until there is no version of today as an existing human being?
Today is today and another day of existence. A day to act, to participate in life & to create a day worth living.
Okay, so...How can we all create days worth living?
What is a worthy reason for living?
Is it to discover our highest potential in order to live a powerful life?
What kind of life would you have with todays filled with you expressing yourself freely and openly?
Is that a life you would love to be living? One full of self-expression & creativity?
Is there anything that you would be upset about not doing if today were your last today?
Here's an idea...Why not create a life without regrets? A life full of joy, kindness, love and wonder for a existence.
Today is a day to recognize our interconnectedness and amazing talents to share with one another.
Today is today because we choose life.
Today is today because we are existing in this "today".
We are all alive to create our most life-enhancing versions of ourselves; individually & collectively.
When today ends then tomorrow becomes another "today" and yesterday was simply a "today" from the immediate past.
Days ago, weeks ago, months ago, years ago, decades ago, centuries ago, millenniums ago and many moons ago are all collections of a today. They all amount bunches of "todays".
There is no today, but the NOW within today that forms a 24 hour period we call a day. The now is the mili-second of the time in which my fingers are pressing the keys on this keyboard to create & form words for you to read in this mili-second of the NOW within today.
Make it a great day! Make it a great today! Make it a beautiful collection of todays!
Why is today always called today?
Why are you alive in a realm of existence called a "today"?
Is there ever a day which is not considered today?
Are we forever trapped in a today until there is no version of today as an existing human being?
Today is today and another day of existence. A day to act, to participate in life & to create a day worth living.
Okay, so...How can we all create days worth living?
What is a worthy reason for living?
Is it to discover our highest potential in order to live a powerful life?
What kind of life would you have with todays filled with you expressing yourself freely and openly?
Is that a life you would love to be living? One full of self-expression & creativity?
Is there anything that you would be upset about not doing if today were your last today?
Here's an idea...Why not create a life without regrets? A life full of joy, kindness, love and wonder for a existence.
Today is a day to recognize our interconnectedness and amazing talents to share with one another.
Today is today because we choose life.
Today is today because we are existing in this "today".
We are all alive to create our most life-enhancing versions of ourselves; individually & collectively.
When today ends then tomorrow becomes another "today" and yesterday was simply a "today" from the immediate past.
Days ago, weeks ago, months ago, years ago, decades ago, centuries ago, millenniums ago and many moons ago are all collections of a today. They all amount bunches of "todays".
There is no today, but the NOW within today that forms a 24 hour period we call a day. The now is the mili-second of the time in which my fingers are pressing the keys on this keyboard to create & form words for you to read in this mili-second of the NOW within today.
Make it a great day! Make it a great today! Make it a beautiful collection of todays!
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Open & Flow
What happens when we float on water is an amazing sensation of freely flowing. A motion of eternity, a forever for your mind, heart & ethereal self.
Water is friggin' amazing and Motion is everywhere and in "allofwhere" we are. We, Earthlings, are orbiting around the sun at 67,000/mph. That stated, we all are moving whether you want to be moving or not. You can attempt to convince yourself you have zero movement or not in life, but that is not the case. At least your physical self is in motion, whether your mind, emotional self, relationships, etc. are connected and aware of this going on in the Universe or not.
Welcome to a planet that is cruisin' around the sun within a solar system in a humongous place we call the Universe. It is nice to have you here. You are loved!!!
Now, let's get back to the discussion of movement and flow......
Movement or the lack of movement is what creates your life. Interestingly even when you feel as though you are not moving, you actually are moving. We float and flow in the Universe as one entity of life as the Universe. We are all one collective one. Composites of molecular matter. That is why I have the URL www.MolecularMatter.com as a way to get to my blog. This is the portal of characters that will get to my perspective of living on planet Earth as a human organism. I am one of many ones as all is a single ONE.
So how do we get to ONE?
Why don't we flow & float as ONE with a love consciousness?
In my point of view, what happens is that your mind, emotional self, intellect, heart and conscienceness for some reason is choosing to resist the flow or want to analysis and sort out shit more than what is necessary. Just flow.
So for a "non-hippie explanation" of this concept, let's first state that if you are not open to flowing then movement and fluidity is thwarted.
Now think of a faucet in your house in these days of modern indoor plumbing. It is still amazing to me that water can be delivered to your house in the instantaneous gratification of a quick turn of the faucet.
So if you want water, you must open up the valve. When the water is in an "off position" the water is stopped from flowing since it is not needed. If you want water then you place it in "on position" so you may have that flow of water that you need.
If our love is water then when and why do you sometime place this flow in an off or on position?
How do you feel when it is open and flowing opposed to being shut off?
Is there a time to turn it off?
To cautiously not want to "waste" the flow of your love in certain cases?
Please comment below.
Flowing love,
Water is friggin' amazing and Motion is everywhere and in "allofwhere" we are. We, Earthlings, are orbiting around the sun at 67,000/mph. That stated, we all are moving whether you want to be moving or not. You can attempt to convince yourself you have zero movement or not in life, but that is not the case. At least your physical self is in motion, whether your mind, emotional self, relationships, etc. are connected and aware of this going on in the Universe or not.
Welcome to a planet that is cruisin' around the sun within a solar system in a humongous place we call the Universe. It is nice to have you here. You are loved!!!
Now, let's get back to the discussion of movement and flow......
Movement or the lack of movement is what creates your life. Interestingly even when you feel as though you are not moving, you actually are moving. We float and flow in the Universe as one entity of life as the Universe. We are all one collective one. Composites of molecular matter. That is why I have the URL www.MolecularMatter.com as a way to get to my blog. This is the portal of characters that will get to my perspective of living on planet Earth as a human organism. I am one of many ones as all is a single ONE.
So how do we get to ONE?
Why don't we flow & float as ONE with a love consciousness?
In my point of view, what happens is that your mind, emotional self, intellect, heart and conscienceness for some reason is choosing to resist the flow or want to analysis and sort out shit more than what is necessary. Just flow.
So for a "non-hippie explanation" of this concept, let's first state that if you are not open to flowing then movement and fluidity is thwarted.
Now think of a faucet in your house in these days of modern indoor plumbing. It is still amazing to me that water can be delivered to your house in the instantaneous gratification of a quick turn of the faucet.
So if you want water, you must open up the valve. When the water is in an "off position" the water is stopped from flowing since it is not needed. If you want water then you place it in "on position" so you may have that flow of water that you need.
If our love is water then when and why do you sometime place this flow in an off or on position?
How do you feel when it is open and flowing opposed to being shut off?
Is there a time to turn it off?
To cautiously not want to "waste" the flow of your love in certain cases?
Please comment below.
Flowing love,
Friday, October 1, 2010
There is no Room Inside a Box. []
Boxed in?
Boxing with yourself?
Get out and go!!!
Open & flow!!!
What is holding you in when there is no "in" nor "out". There is no box.
Any box you have created will eventually not have enough space as your mind expands to a Universal conscienceness.
The more we see life without limits, the more we are free to evolve, grow, love and blast off!
Click for song: http://s0.ilike.com/play#King%27s+X:A+Box:98120:m3364379
Boxing with yourself?
Get out and go!!!
Open & flow!!!
What is holding you in when there is no "in" nor "out". There is no box.
Any box you have created will eventually not have enough space as your mind expands to a Universal conscienceness.
The more we see life without limits, the more we are free to evolve, grow, love and blast off!
Click for song: http://s0.ilike.com/play#King%27s+X:A+Box:98120:m3364379
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Data Transfer Object (DTO)
According to my recent Google search for the acronym DTO, I found the following...
Data transfer object (DTO) is a design pattern used to transfer data between software application subsystems. DTOs are often used in conjunction with data access objects to retrieve data from a database.
With this term I was able to analyze more about who and what I am as a human being.
I am transferring data to the universe as myself, the organism, and retrieving the data from my consciousness or a Data Access Object.
What takes place is that the organism receives data & transfers it to other human organisms in real time or by documenting existence with camera/video/audio capturing technology. There is an continual exploration of existence by accessing a series of databases.
Which database we access matters in our journey in the exploration of ourselves. Self-exploration is about reflecting and considering the minuscule bases for data as well as the largest base which is everything in the Universe (and perhaps outside of the Universe).
Every single piece of molecular matter in the universe.
So my consciousness is able to access this data somewhere and somehow.
Where does the data come from?
What is our consciousness?
How are we connected?
How much is internally generated?
How much is externally received?
What do we manifest?
What manifests itself?
Do we all come from a space of nothingness and everything-ness in the universe?
Why do all parts & pieces of existence have a whole?
Why does the whole have pieces?
In conclusion, it is all a wondrous collection of larger and smaller particulars of molecular matter in the universe. I am here and you are here as a part of it all. Interconnected.
Molecular matter matters. ( or does it? )
Data transfer object (DTO) is a design pattern used to transfer data between software application subsystems. DTOs are often used in conjunction with data access objects to retrieve data from a database.
With this term I was able to analyze more about who and what I am as a human being.
I am transferring data to the universe as myself, the organism, and retrieving the data from my consciousness or a Data Access Object.
What takes place is that the organism receives data & transfers it to other human organisms in real time or by documenting existence with camera/video/audio capturing technology. There is an continual exploration of existence by accessing a series of databases.
Which database we access matters in our journey in the exploration of ourselves. Self-exploration is about reflecting and considering the minuscule bases for data as well as the largest base which is everything in the Universe (and perhaps outside of the Universe).
Every single piece of molecular matter in the universe.
So my consciousness is able to access this data somewhere and somehow.
Where does the data come from?
What is our consciousness?
How are we connected?
How much is internally generated?
How much is externally received?
What do we manifest?
What manifests itself?
Do we all come from a space of nothingness and everything-ness in the universe?
Why do all parts & pieces of existence have a whole?
Why does the whole have pieces?
In conclusion, it is all a wondrous collection of larger and smaller particulars of molecular matter in the universe. I am here and you are here as a part of it all. Interconnected.
Molecular matter matters. ( or does it? )
Sunday, September 26, 2010
The Conception
I began as a life form in the cold winter months in the state of Iowa. The year was recorded as 1974 by the human species. My parents practiced the act of copulation in order to conceive a new life form. Thanks to their brilliant attempts, I am the swimmer that won the race to the egg and hence now I am experiencing existence on planet Earth and in the universe. The orgasm created the organism.
Flowing and floating around just like all stages of human life. The concept was conception. I am the conception of a concept as I type out how I conceive more ways to create a life as an amazing human organism, DaveTheOrganism...DTO.
My life is one life of billions...
It is a fascinating mental & emotional journey to explore why I am here, why human beings are here, why all species and life forms are here in this time and space in the universe.
We currently are on a floating rock which is the 3rd planet rotating on a 365 cycle around the literal star of the show, the SUN.
Our solar system is quite amazing and our distance from this huge star is just the proper distance to begin and sustain life. I know this because I am living here in the 21st century and I have the most powerful happening ever to exist and that is.... EXISTENCE!
Don't stop til ya get enough.....
When is life not "life-ing" anymore? How do you muster up enough of your life to experience life? Does your true self, mind, body and consciousness have varying degrees to measure what is life-enhancing or not?
Let's propose so. Therefore, think back on a time when your life has been in a state of living to your potential? I mean really feeling fulfilled and stoked about existence. You got that thought? Cool, now manifest more of those in your existence. Create a life that you love!
If there are varying degrees what is the measure stick?
My measuring stick in life is by me asking myself, "What is life-enhancing?" When do we, as humanity, start generating more moments of living that are life-enhancing? Are you doing this now? What kind of existence do you have and choose for yourself, others and the universe?
What about the possibility of being in the present moment of NOW... full of love & clarity of your place in existence. To be aware of your own awareness.
Being aware of my own awareness....
This occurred to me in the most crisp way in Tulum, Mexico in a beach hotel in month of May in the year 2010. I was so blown away by this epiphany that I posted it in the moment it occurred on my Facebook status to share this with the universe.
My FB status was - I just became aware of my own awareness.
What an amazing shift for my life. A new conception.
So powerful that I am so aware of everything. So much so that I know that this is my first blog posting and therefore I will stop typ....
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